Sunday, September 2, 2018

Shoulder Routine

My last post focused on my chest workout. My ultimate goal is to be able to hit 225 lbs on bench press by the end of September. I am trending that way and think I might be able to hit that goal, so I workout chest twice a week. On Wednesday, my focus is arms and shoulders. Here is my Shoulder workout:

 Front Cable Raise: This exercise is what I like to start with. It doesn't take a lot of weight for me to start to feel it either. That is one thing I have noticed about cable work, it does not take a lot of weight to get a good workout. Only up to about 20 lbs on this exercise. 

Arnold Dumbbell Press:  This one is new to me, and I had to be very careful picking the weight I used. If you go too heavy, it can hurt. This exercise is supposed to give you those "boulder shoulders" we all want. 30 lbs is my max on this exercise.

Face Pull: I like this one a lot, it feels like it also gives you a back workout as well. I am usually at around 50 lbs for this one.

Front and Lateral Raise: These jokers can hurt pretty easy. Seems like they both go fairly easy until I get to around 7, then I struggle. I am usually only using around 15-20 lbs.

Shrugs:  I really like this one because I want those shoulder lumps. I like to do this in between sets of other exercises. I usually a 45 lb plate in each hand.

Shoulder Press: I use a machine for this exercise. You can use dumbbells or a bar but I am not there yet, so I like the machine. I am up to 60 lbs on this one.

Rear Deltoid: This is another great machine that I like. It is mostly for  the back, but I feel like it really does work my arms, shoulders and back.

I do like this workout and would love to incorporate it more into my workout, but I have a life, and things are good.  Remember this workout comes to you from the Strong APP you can download!

Progress AUG 2019

Well, I am turning 48 in a couple of weeks. In July, I did not go to the gym at all, but I did do a pushup challenge. I did 100 pushups a da...